Like many other products, electronic goods took a hit during the pandemic. Sales across the board plummeted. Increased prices of goods and raw materials also impacted sales. Yet with custom-made solutions and well-motivated staff, Spectra Vision weathered the tough months. Debraj Rath, Managing Director of Spectra Vision, shares his experience during the pandemic and his other business experiences with Orissa POST. Excerpts of an interview.

The impact of the pandemic on your business

Our business got severely affected as lockdown was imposed to contain Covid-19 outbreak. When it was withdrawn with certain conditions, we saw positive business in the months of May and June. Customers made purchases in these two months. With some difficulties in business again in July, we saw some improvement in October and November. Overall, business has not returned to normalcy yet. But we hope to see good sales in AC and refrigerator categories in this summer.

How did the pandemic affect the supply chain?

Appliance and Consumer Electronics (ACE) market depends on import. We had to shut our factory due to lockdown. Supplying the products was a challenge for us, and we still face the same challenge. It also impacted our business. Moreover, increased prices of electronic and other products have affected the retailers as well.

What is the current market scenario in electronic segments?

The price of raw materials, used to manufacture electronic products, has increased by 40-50 per cent in international market. Manufacturers have already used their stocked raw materials. Increased price will affect the producers when they go for fresh procurement. Retail prices have increased by 10-12 per cent due to high production cost. We may face 5-6 per cent additional cost for new taxation policy. Such high prices will impact our business.

Customers’ services during the lockdown

We took best care of our employees. Considering urgency, we didn’t cut their salaries. We also took care of customers’ services. We acquired special pass from government and reached out to our customers during their needs. We continuously communicated with our customers over phone. Affected businesses can get back on track but health of our employees was important.

The journey of Spectra Vision

It was started in 1984 and we have experienced many events ever since. We are the first generation to come into this business. We started with Konark TV dealership. TV was newly launched in the market. After starting TV transmission, I showed my interest for this business. My interest to associate with electronic businesses was the reason behind the inception of Spectra Vision.

Your experience with market and customers

Many players have come into this business and many have gone. Those who provided quality products and services have sustained in this market. Our showroom prioritizes our customers. We offer digital and electronic products under one roof. We also give priority to products that youths demand most. We have also planned to offer e-scooter and e-cycles in our showroom.

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