Dadhichi Group is one of the leading educational institutions in the state. The year 2004 marked the beginning of Dadhichi Educational Trust with a mission to bridge the gap between the rural and the urban styles of imparting and acquiring education. After experiencing some troubles in the early days, the group now has five institutions under its portfolio. Manoj Kumar Dash, Chairman of Dadhichi Group of Institutions, is the entrepreneur who has steered the ship into the right direction and transformed it into a centre of excellence in teaching, learning and research. In a conversation with Orissa POST, Dash shares his journey.

How was your life in early days?

I was born in a small village in Ganjam district. My father was a government employee. After completing my higher secondary, I did engineering in Chennai. Then I started working for a construction company.

What made you quit your job in the construction company?

While working in the construction company, my superiors’ behaviour was not good towards me. I left that job and returned to Bhubaneswar. Under the guidance of my uncle, I ventured into real estate business in which I used to sell plots, flats and residential houses. This is how I was earning my bread in early days.

How did Dadhichi Group come into existence?

My company got a golden opportunity to construct an educational institution. From there I was motivated to open an educational institution of my own. My sacrificing nature inspired me to follow in the footsteps of the great seer Dadhichi. First I started with institutes like Dadhichi ITI and later D.Pharma. Then to expand our business and provide more courses we started Dadhichi Public School. As I was an engineering student, it was my dream to open a polytechnic institute which later became a reality.

What were the hurdles that you faced while establishing your organisation?

Land, building and road communication were the primary challenges. But the word ‘impossible’ is not in my dictionary. Though I faced multiple difficulties including financial troubles, I was able to overcome them by the grace of God. I stood strong against all odds.

What future do you see for Dadhichi Group?

My aim in life is to transform Dadhichi Group into a university. There are plans in pipeline to open institutes for MBA, Hotel Management, Drama and Nursing. I also wish to add a leadership educational institute to develop society through innovative ideas.

What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

My advice for youngsters is to become a good person by serving the society. Put continuous efforts to become self-reliant. If possible try to become a medium for employment to people which will result in a healthy and thriving society.

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