Located in Bolangir, Ovo Farm Private Limited has been one of the leading organisations in poultry farming business for over two decades. With a daily output of one million eggs, Ovo Farm is the biggest producer of eggs in eastern India and a major player in India’s colossal egg industry, the third largest in the world. The entrepreneur behind this successful venture is Soumendra Mishra, founder and managing director of Ovo Farm Private Limited. With over two decades of dedication, he has weaved his vision into the fabric of a community centered on eggs. In a conversation with Orissa POST, Mishra gives an insight into his journey.

With an experience of over two decades in poultry farming business, what do you think are the biggest challenges that you face?

The challenges faced by the poultry and egg industry are similar to other agriculture activities. The biggest challenge is getting the right price for our products. India is a buyers’ market where middlemen have the control and the farmers are at the mercy of traders. The second challenge that we face is propaganda and misinformation spread by vested interests against eggs and chicken. Developing customers’ confidence on the product is the biggest challenge.

Poultry farming is one of the fastest-growing agribusinesses in India. Is this also true for the state? What according to you is the reason behind people’s inclination towards this business?

Poultry farming indeed is experiencing rapid growth in India, and this trend holds true for our state as well. The reasons behind this surge are multifaceted. Firstly, poultry products, especially eggs and chicken, are staple items in the Indian diet, ensuring a steady demand. Secondly, advancement in technology and breeding techniques has made poultry farming more efficient and profitable, therefore, an attractive option for aspiring entrepreneurs in both rural and urban areas.

The poultry industry is marred by allegations of adulteration in egg as well as chicken. How are you maintaining the standards of your products?

Egg is one product which is protected by nature and cannot be adulterated unlike milk and other food products. To maintain the standards of our products and address allegations of adulteration in eggs, we have implemented stringent quality control measures and highend technology throughout our production process. From sourcing feed to monitoring animal health, we ensure strict adherence to regulatory standards and employ advanced testing methods to detect any potential adulteration. Additionally, we prioritise transparency and traceability, providing customers with detailed information about our production practices and fostering trust in the safety and quality of our products.

Last year, Ovo Farm became the first brand in India to use blockchain technology in the poultry farming industry. What more do you have in store?

Last year marked a significant milestone for Ovo Farm with the introduction of blockchain technology in the poultry farming industry in India. This innovative approach enhances transparency, traceability, and accountability throughout the supply chain, ensuring that consumers have access to authentic and reliable information about the origin and quality of our products. Looking ahead, we plan to further leverage emerging technologies to optimise our operations, improve efficiency, and continue setting new benchmarks for sustainability and food safety in the industry. We are coming up with a state-of-the-art egg processing plant which will start production this September. This will be a one of its kind in India which will bring recognition for Odisha.

As the co-founder of the brand which started from Bolangir and went global, what advice do you have for young entrepreneurs trying their luck in this business?

My advice to young entrepreneurs venturing into the poultry business is to prioritise innovation, integrity, and community engagement. Embrace technology and disruptive solutions to address the challenges facing the industry, but never compromise on ethical practices and commitment to quality. Build strong relationships with stakeholders including farmers, suppliers, and consumers, and actively contribute to the welfare of the communities you operate in. Remember, success is not just about profits but about making a positive impact on society and enriching lives through your endeavours.

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