Ruchi is a household brand for last 45 years. The brand has garnered love and trust for its uncompromised product quality. During an interaction with Orissa POSTManaging Director of Ruchi Foodline, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, also known as the Masala King of Odisha, spoke about the mantra of success. Excerpts…

Did you ever think that Ruchi would emerge as a big brand in the state?

Well, we never thought people would shower their love on us. But we were focused on our goal. Since Ruchi’s inception, we have always looked forward. Reaching the pinnacle has been our only goal. Every staff at Ruchi industry is like my family.

What are the company’s new plans?

State government has allotted us a land to set up a full-fledged plant at Ramdaspur, Odisha. We will set food processing unit by using international technology. Food and beverages will be packaged here. This plant will provide 2,000 direct employment opportunities. With the help of high-end technology, we will do food processing, production and sale. It will cater to the demands of next generation.

How many products are now being manufactured?

At present, we produce around 300 verities of products. We also ensure good and hygienic packaging to maintain quality. We believe in offering products that are safe and of excellent quality. We also produce two kinds of food— ready to cook and ready to eat. We have made huge investments to encourage extensive research for qualitative development of our products.

Your opinion on adulteration

The population is increasing and so are demands for spices. State government is taking stern actions to stop adulteration and penalise the wrongdoers. The government has seized adulterated products in cities like Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Berhampur. Such investigations will stop adulteration system in state.

Challenges the spice industry is facing in state

The pandemic has been disastrous for many industries all over the world. Ruchi has also faced challenges due to the same. We face natural calamities in our state every year. Therefore we have learned to move forward despite such adversities. Also, state government is coming up with various schemes for the benefit of entrepreneurs.

Your advice to the youth

Knowledge, skill and experience are key fundamentals for achieving success. The youth should follow this mantra. Those who want to be entrepreneurs should first conduct surveys on market demands. They should manufacture the products that consumers demand more. The youth should focus on manufacturing quality products. They should be self dependant rather than depending too much on others.

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