The Covid-19 pandemic damaged every sector and the auto industry is no different. After a long year of the pandemic, the situation seems to be getting normal now; the demand in auto sector is increasing. In this regard, Rajan Gugnani, Managing Partner of Gugnani Honda and Gugnani Auto Cars provides a rare glimpse into the current state of the automotive industry.

The impact of the pandemic

First nine months of the pandemic were very bad for the auto industry. We had to bear all the losses but we never stopped to pay salaries to our employees. I believe the worst period is over and the sales are growing now. We are looking ahead for better opportunity and business in future.

Present situation of auto sector

The impact of the pandemic was severe to the automobile sector. However, at present, the business of automobile sector is stable now. The developments of auto sector and road infrastructure are the key to country’s growth. Despite a barrier like the pandemic, the auto sector is always in a better path. The scrappage policy will boost the sales.

Your initiative to satisfy your customers

Providing satisfaction to our customers through our services is Gugnani Honda’s sole motto. Gugnani Honda is always set with customer oriented and customer friendly approaches. They are always happy with our service and even they recommend to each other. We believe in personalized meeting with customers for which we penetrate into the market. We are available in every area to provide everything to the customers. Our service quality is very good and we have also expert technicians.

How’s the City market for Gugnani Honda?

Bhubaneswar market is a very good market and it is growing rapidly. We have witnessed a huge change in the City. The state government is very supportive as well.

Your opinion on GST on auto sector

The Goods and Service Tax always plays a vital role in the growth of the auto sector. If there is a GST cut it will show a positive impact on the sector. About 50% of GST is imposed in the SUVs. We can see there are 10 lakh bike sales in a month in India but in USA it is 10 lakh sales of cars. In India, we sell only 2-3 lakh cars. There is a such difference because of GST. If GST is reduced, car sales will increase.

The preparation for electric vehicle

Electric vehicle is the future of the automobile industry. But due to shortage of several elements, fully operational electric vehicles will take time. I hope electric vehicles will go on road in next ten years.

How do you see Odisha market?

Odisha is an emerging state. Odisha is one of the best states to work as it has many opportunities. The ease of doing business is very good here. We didn’t face any problem here.

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